Brown Puffer


Moved On
Nov 15, 2004
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ok so i am down to a decision. I am either going the NW cichlid way or the brown Puffer way. If i get a brown puffer will it co exist with catfish other than plecs such as raphaels or pictus's. also will it be ok with a gravel substrate. Any info would be appreciated
Most puffers prefer a sand substrate, we have ours on black sand which keeps them calm as they are camoflaged against it and he knows it.

Up until recently, we had bristlenoses in with our browns, but the puffers bit out one eye on both plecs and ate the fins of one of then, spines and all.

One of the plecs died, the other has been relocated.

So no, I wouldn't recommend keeping anything at all with brown puffers.
ok. Is ther any puffer that i can at least keep pictus's or synos with?
puffers may look cute (except congo puffers imo they look mean and grumpy to start with) but don't be decieved they're mean little buggers!
ok thx everyone. I dont think ill be getting th epuffer as i want more than 1 fish

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