Brown Ghost Knife W/ Mormyrid

Creature Seeker

Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2006
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I have a dolphin mormyrid (Stumpy) within my tank who has been happily swimming around for the last 9 months. My lfs has had some Brown Ghost Knife fish in which are pretty unusual and I would love to get one but fear that these two species may not get along. I once tried adding a Brown African Knifefish to my tank, which was fine for a few days, but I had to remove him as I noticed he would randomly attack Stumpy and they would fight for the same hiding place. I now have rearranged my tank and have multiple hiding places. Do you think they will get on?

Combining two 'weakly electric' fish of different genera or species is often not a good idea. While their personalities may be compatible, their electrical 'signatures' often aren't and this can lead to problems with aggression. I personally haven't tried the combination you're suggesting but knowing a bit about Mormyrids and a bit about Gymnotids makes me think that you might be in for some problems.

Perhaps somebody with experience trying this combination will chime in.


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