Brown Covering On Live Rock And Sand..


New Member
May 10, 2010
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Hello All

I have a new marine tank that it 3 weeks into its cycle. I have several pieces of live rock in the tank and just recently
a brown covering has started to cover the sand and live rock.

In some places it seems to be getting quite hairy and also seems to create little silver bubbles in other areas.

I underand it may be diatoms and as part of a normal cycle. Is that correct?

The photo below is not of my tank but it looks identcal in terms of the diatoms....

I am no expert but I have just had this and they kinda just went poof one day and vanished a few days after my clean up crew went in.
I did use an algae cleaner on the tank but though

Looks and sounds like Diatoms to me. Once your cycle is complete, add some clean up crew and they'll clean it up for you!
Interesting scape btw.
Hmmm hard to be precise I would guess at Cyano or another form of algae

1. How long are your lights on?
2. Are you using a Phosphate remover?
3. How much flow do you have in the tank?
4. What levels are your [hosphates at?
5. Did you use RO when filling the tank?
In a new tank that is cycling diatoms are a natural part of the end of the cycle. As said already, once your cuc go in they will be eaten up :good:

Share your stats with us an we will tell you where you are up cycle wise.

What are your plans for the tank?

Seffie x

oh and where are my manners :hi: to the salty side

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