Brown alge


New Member
Oct 8, 2002
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the last couple of days i have found my white sea reef subtranie in my 35 gal freshwater tank building up a brown colour..I think its brwon alge...well my tank i think has just finish cycling.. has had some direct sunlight for the few last day but not much...

can anyone help

thank in advance
Hi and welcome Dunken, :)

Yes it sounds like it could be algae of some kind and direct sunlight could well be a problem - specially long term.

I think the others would want a bit more information to help better.

How long has the tank been cyling for, any fish in there?

What are water parameters, NitrIte, NitrAte, ammonia, pH and phosphate?

What lighting period?

Brown algae is not really a problem unto itself -- it more just looks awful. It's generally caused by too much light (especially sunlight) and/or high nitrate/nitrite/phosphorous.
Treatment: Siamese flying fox. It's the only kind of algae eater that'll eat brown algae. Wipe your glass, reef, etc with a soft clean sponge -- it comes off really easily.

I believe otocinclus also eats brown algae. Most fish will eat it a bit. :)

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