Brown Algae


New Member
Sep 19, 2023
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I have a planted 75g tank that is 6-8 months old. Lighting is med-high for 6hrs/day. I'm still having trouble controlling the amount of brown algae in the tank. I used to have the lighting on for 8hrs/day and the brown algae was unmanageable. Since reducing to 6hrs/day the brown algae has reduced, but still covers the plants and makes them look dead or dying. I don't think I'm overfeeding, but it's possible. I have 25 fish, so I vacuum and do a 50% water change every week. I also use root tabs for the plants. The tank is not exposed to any sunlight. Any suggestions on how to reduce the brown algae and make my plants look nice and green?
First, let's confirm it is diatoms (brown algae), as we have had several posts where this "brown algae" was used for black beard algae which often is brown. A photo of the tank would also help. Does the algae easily come off with your fingertips?

On the light, six hours should not be too little, and I wouldn't want to go lower, so let's look at the intensity and spectrum. Intensity with LED is not easy, but what is the spectrum? A Kelvin number helps here.

And, do you use any liquid fertilizer, or just the tabs, and which brand?
I've tried liquid fertilizer in the past, but didn't seem to help the plants much. I use seachem flourish tabs. The light is 6500K white, 450nm blue, true 660nm deep red and green. The algae is easy to remove. Thanks for helping.


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First observation from the photos is your swords seem to be doing very well. The stem plants clearly are not. I think this is likely a combination of light and nutrient issues.

Flourish Tabs are superb, I have had over a decade of incredible success using them. But they are for large rooted plants like the swords. Stem plants gain very little from them. These need liquid, just make sure it is a comprehensive supplement, like Flourish Comprehensive Supplement for the Planted Aquarium or Brightwell Aquatics Florin Multi. There are some others I have not tried which may be just as good, but they must be comprehensive and supplementary.

I also think there may be an issue with the light. The white at 6500K is fine. Are the red and blue extra on their own, or part of the white?

If you are on the coastal side or Oregon, you have (I believe) very soft water as is the case up to SW BC where I am. This means the calcium and magnesium are low, which will not help stem plants which are fast growers, hence my suggestion for the liquid too.
First observation from the photos is your swords seem to be doing very well. The stem plants clearly are not. I think this is likely a combination of light and nutrient issues.

Flourish Tabs are superb, I have had over a decade of incredible success using them. But they are for large rooted plants like the swords. Stem plants gain very little from them. These need liquid, just make sure it is a comprehensive supplement, like Flourish Comprehensive Supplement for the Planted Aquarium or Brightwell Aquatics Florin Multi. There are some others I have not tried which may be just as good, but they must be comprehensive and supplementary.

I also think there may be an issue with the light. The white at 6500K is fine. Are the red and blue extra on their own, or part of the white?

If you are on the coastal side or Oregon, you have (I believe) very soft water as is the case up to SW BC where I am. This means the calcium and magnesium are low, which will not help stem plants which are fast growers, hence my suggestion for the liquid too.
Hey Byron, is there a chat we could communicate on? This forum is nice, but a conversation would be better for this case.
Hey Byron, is there a chat we could communicate on? This forum is nice, but a conversation would be better for this case.

I thought there was a chat on TFF, but I can't find it now... . There is the PM conversation. Or do you want to do a video chat...are you on Microsoft Teams? There is also Skype, though it is less reliable. Don't post log-in names on the open forum, but by PM.
I guess I can't do external searches on my phone. Will have to wait until I get to work tonight
I guess I can't do external searches on my phone. Will have to wait until I get to work tonight

I am hopeles with electronic mumbo-jumbo so if you figure out whatever needs figuring out, I'm happy to chat.
Looks like a need an email address to add you to teams. Are you comfortable with that?

Odd, this site has been down a couple times...anyway, seems to be back now. No actually, I'm cautious about personal data that can be so specific to me, unlike my name which can be any number of people. We can do PM's if you like?

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