All problem algae like this is caused by a light/nutrient imbalance, and resolution is only possible by restoring (or establishing) the balance. Algae can manage with any light, so it has an advantage over higher plants that are much more selective.
Eleven hours of light is a lot, my tanks run at 7 hours and once I got down to this number some four years ago, problem algae has never appeared again. Summer increased daylight (intensity and duration) can throw this balance out, so keep that in mind too.
The sword plants inn the photos will greatly benefit with substrate tabs, and I recommend Flourish Tabs because not only do they have all nutrients, they do not release them into the upper water column so this thwarts algae more. You may or may not need a liquid comprehensive. Nutrients also come from fish feeding and water changes. But I would not have more than 7-8 hours of tank light (in each 24-hour period) given what you've mentioned.