Brown Algae


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
I have brown algae in my tank, how do I get rid of it? I have no live plants in there (last time I asked I got told increase or decrease my CO2) but I have no live plants. The tank doesn’t get any direct sunlight.

Water parameters were fine last time I checked; I have no test kit left (I’ll be buying one over the next few days). The tank is coldwater, about 20 degrees at most and houses newts.
When I asked about something similar in my tank I was told that it was a result of ammonia, so I did a 30% water change and took out the bits with the worst of the brown slime and gave them a clean in some of the tank water I had taken out.

Not too sure if the above applies for newt tank though?
When I asked about something similar in my tank I was told that it was a result of ammonia, so I did a 30% water change and took out the bits with the worst of the brown slime and gave them a clean in some of the tank water I had taken out.

Not too sure if the above applies for newt tank though?

Thanks; I guess I'll just keep doing regular water changes :).
When I asked about something similar in my tank I was told that it was a result of ammonia, so I did a 30% water change and took out the bits with the worst of the brown slime and gave them a clean in some of the tank water I had taken out.

Not too sure if the above applies for newt tank though?

Thanks; I guess I'll just keep doing regular water changes :).

I have brown algae in my tank and my ammonia is 0. I was told it was normal for a newish tank.
When I asked about something similar in my tank I was told that it was a result of ammonia, so I did a 30% water change and took out the bits with the worst of the brown slime and gave them a clean in some of the tank water I had taken out.

Not too sure if the above applies for newt tank though?

Thanks; I guess I'll just keep doing regular water changes :).

I have brown algae in my tank and my ammonia is 0. I was told it was normal for a newish tank.

I was actually thinking about it last night and I occasionally get brown algae in my birds water container as boyfriend wondered if it was something to do with the light (however, bird = sunlight, tank = no sunlight)

this is brown algae that sits on the decor, plants and glass. common in new set ups due to ammonia levels and can come back with slight ammonia traces. wipe off do a water change and keep feeding down :good:
How new is a "new" tank. I've had my tank since September and it started appearing maybe 2 month ago at most.

I don't over feed - it's in my newt tank, there is no food left in :(

The thing that has thrown me is how it's in my birds water holder too (or how it was in there)
The birds could have crapped in the container, no? Or there could be other dirt in the container?
take a look at this link to see if its diatoms :good:

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