Brown Algae...yuck


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
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So, I have had my tank running with fish for a couple months now and have started getting an outbreak of brown algae. I already searched the boards and know that this is common in aquariums that have been running around the time mine has been.

I know it can also be caused by lack of light, too much feeding, and not enough oxygen. I have since set my light on a timer for 10 hrs a day (no live plants though), I feed once a day and skip once a week, and I have a hob filter.

My question, is how long should this take to clear up? Also, should I add an airstone in the meantime to increase the oxygen levels a little more? I am stepping up my gravel vaccumings as well. Any suggestions?
I am just starting to have the same problem. I added an airstone to my tank and it helped, but just a bit, and its not totally gone.

Anybody else know what would help?
How much light are y'all's tanks getting? Too much light could be an issue.

Also, check your phosphate levels. Apparently and I did not know this until recently, brown algae is an indicator of high phosphate concentrations which is bad for the tank. I would check that and if you readings are high, something will need to be done about your phosphate levels. Once phosphates are elimintaed, algae will starve and die. As a side note, in my area my tap water contains high levels of phosphates so a water change does nothing for the tank. What I had to do is buy a filter media that removes phosphates from the water and my brown algae is dying off. If your tap water does not contain phosphates, water changes should help out. If worst comes to worst, you can buy chemical algae killer but IMO, getting at the source is a better way to go and will prevent furture problems.

Good luck!
Brown Algae is very common in a new tank and normally will go away as quickly as it showed up. It's actually a good indication that your tank is establishing itself.

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