brown algae question?(cleaning)


New Member
May 2, 2005
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On my Bi or weekly water changes i clean the brown algae of the sides of the tank....but how about the flower pots,fake plants and rocks???

clean it or leave it?

get a trio of ottos. they'll clean up brown algae pretty well
applesnails will eat it as will bristlenose plecos
hi will the otocinclus and or snails withstand the barage of chiclids that might pick at them?
Probably not, what cichlids do you have?
Ferris said:
Probably not, what cichlids do you have?
Jacks,Texes,cons firemouth,kenyi....

does the algae cose problems?

or any suggetions?
I've had otos, plecs and snails, and I can't tell that any of them have touched the brown algae in my tank. Also tried leaving the lights on longer. The brown algae seems to love the light. Any other suggestions????
Brown algae normally clears itself but can take time. It often appears in relatively new tanks (within 2 -3 months of setup). Last time i had it in a tank, i left the lights out for a week and it cleared up. That may not be an option if you have live plants although it won't do the fish any harm.
I agree with Ferris, I had a major problem with brown algae, and everything I tried (snails, Oto's) did not work. Once the tank matured (around 4 months), the algae disappeared. Once you get a ballance between the amount of fish - the amount of food - beneficial bacteria - water changes (20% per week here with 40ppm Nitrate from the tap), the algae will go. Patience, as allways, is the key.

I agree with being patient. The brown stuff (actually diatoms) will go away sooner or later. In the meantime, it will drive you crazy, but just keep wiping it off. I thought about getting snails, otos, etc, but didn't really want them so just waited it out. I tried less light and more light, but nothing seemed to make any difference except time. Good luck!
Torrean said:
get a trio of ottos. they'll clean up brown algae pretty well
What do those look like?? I don't think my LFS has any, but if they clean it well, I will deff. get some!

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