Brown Algae / Diatoms , New Tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 9, 2012
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So my up and coming Cichlid tank has Developed quite a bit of Brown Algae/Diatoms.
After reading about it I'm still a bit confused so i'll lay out the setup and maybe someone can help clear my thoughts on it.

55gall 4' tank
Eheim 2215 Canister (cycled), I just as of last night added a smaller HOB with just filter floss to help polish the water a bit and increase the water flow a bit .
Quarts sand substrate 2-2 1/2" depth (Aqua quarts pool filter sand)
Ceramic rocks I saw on another post in the African section (they do look quite nice even with the brown growth)
2x 15w t8 florescent bulbs run for 12hrs daily on timer.
Absolutely no plants as I read that the Cichlids would likely just dig em up anyway

13 mixed (several of differing colors that I plan to bring to the 1 male to 2-3 female as I can decliner sex) Juvenile 2-3" Mumba cichlids
1 4-5" Featherfin catfish

The tank has had fish in it for about 1.5 weeks now after a heavily seeded fish less cycle, doesn't take long when you know someone that can give you almost enough media to fill it up :good:
I am sadly already seeing a good amount of brown growth.
Is this normal , I know I read that it will go away on its own but is there anything I can do to speed its passing?

For now I'm scrubbing the rocks in tank water when I change water and Need to get a glass scraper as it was an oversight,

How long will this last or will I need to take additional steps to get rid of it.

I'd recommend cutting your lights back to 6 hours a day for several weeks and then building them back up again. Up to how much I don't know, with planted tanks it's no more than 8 hours but I'm not sure for you.

Diatoms are normal for new setups and will often pass on their own. I didn't want to wait so I got a pair of baby bristlenose plecos and it was all gone in a week, including each leaf of all of my plants lol. I don't know if you have room or if BNs are compatible with you stock but otos will eat diatoms and so will some snails.

So unless you want to add something to eat it you've just got to keep scrubbing! (and cut your lights back!)
I'd recommend cutting your lights back to 6 hours a day for several weeks and then building them back up again. Up to how much I don't know, with planted tanks it's no more than 8 hours but I'm not sure for you.

Diatoms are normal for new setups and will often pass on their own. I didn't want to wait so I got a pair of baby bristlenose plecos and it was all gone in a week, including each leaf of all of my plants lol. I don't know if you have room or if BNs are compatible with you stock but otos will eat diatoms and so will some snails.

So unless you want to add something to eat it you've just got to keep scrubbing! (and cut your lights back!)
Ok Will do, Otos are out of the question with Africans but Bristle noses are compatible with some exceptions from my reading, sometimes the Mumba will harass, even injure them. The Featherfin is territorial as well.
As for room, at full size , which will be a bit of time away, I would be not quite fully stocked as per the intentional overstocking done with these guys to curb aggression.Or at least from research this should be thae case

I have other tanks in the pipe though and maybe could get the BN's and re-home to another tank later on as long as they don't get picked on, in which case they would need to move sooner.

Sound like a plan?
Thanks for the info
Seachem purigen also acts as a diatom filter. I would advise the use of it in a new filter or set up. :good:
Just an update,
I scrubbed the glass and rocks, reduced lighting to 6hrs, and did my regular 50% on Friday. so far no sign of the dreaded Brown Algae returning.
Thank you.
I have looked at Seachem purigen for other reasons and just may add some to my Ehiem(s) thank you for the advice.
I am using Purigen as well actually and I do recommend it :good:

Once you've gone a couple of weeks and you think the problem is under control you can start gradually increasing your light time. Just keep a close eye as you go :)

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