Brown Algae Bloom


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2012
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The glass in my aquarium is starting to have brown algae growing, I tried to use the Tetra anti algae twice with no luck..
Now my aquarium is somewhat overstocked but not for long I will be buying my nephew an aquarium and giving him some of my fish in the near future.

This is my setup-
29G aquarium
2x swordtails
2x blue gouramis
5x blue neon tetras
2x glowlight tetras
2x black tetras
1x mystery snail

I also had 2 ghost shrimps that disappeared, i have not seen them in over a month and i had a 2nd mystery snail that died today.

My question is -

Can you recommend me a fish that wont get big (like the pleco) and will eat algae, a very active fish. My mystery snail is supposed to be doing the job but he isn't doing anything at all.
I need a fish that is available virtually in every store around.

my tank is fully cycled - 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and .5 nitrate, doing 20% water change every 1-2 weeks and a 50% water change once a month.
If it is not excessive, and its not growing rapidly I wouldn't worry about it, just scrape it off with a glass scrapper, having a bit of algae is no big deal, it can actually be beneficial
i get patches here and there, nothing a quick scrape on WC day doesnt solve :good:
It is growing extremely fast that is why I am worried, I used my hands to take it off just a few days ago from one side of the glass that was maybe 1/4 full now the brown algae is all over that glass covering it almost 100%.
Brown algae means excess ammonia+light in the tank. It's normal for new tank setups and goes away by itself normally as the tank matures. Those disappearing shrimp may have caused mini spikes. Also, test your water now for ammonia as you may have a problem.

Also, your filter may not be coping with the overstocked tank which is another cause for ammonia hanging around.

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