Brown African Knife & Black Ghost Knife

Creature Seeker

Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2006
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Can these two species of knife fish get along with each other?

I have a brown african knife, but would like to get a black ghost also.

I can't speak about adults however we house juviniles
of both species in the same tank at work.
I did once add glassknifes to this mix but the browns went for them almost immediatly
so they were quickly removed.

weather or not adult knifes will become territorial is something you may wish to keep an eye out
if you add a BGK

They will get along fairly well when young, but as the knifes become adults they start getting aggressive. Most of the knife fish commonly sold dont get along well with others of the same species. I have an african brown knife, he was in the tank with another smaller African brown knife which he was attacking.
i read you shouldnt keep 2 GK's in the same tank because of the way they see.

not so much a problem with a big tank (150 gallons+) i guess.

They send out electrical fields to paint an image of their surroundings. This gives them the advantage of hunting at night, when most prey is asleep. They fight because their electrical frequencies interfer with eachother. ( i think its called electrical fields or frequencies, im not too sure)
I used to keep a BGK and a BAK together but eventually i started to see the BGK with a shredded tail and eventually the BAK killed my BGK :-(

So I wouldn't recommend keeping them together if either one of them is over 3".
I'm quite surprize about the aggressive Brown African Knifes you've had as mine seems so calm and friendly. He doesn't bother anyone else just comes out at all times of the day to look for food. He's about 5" too. I'll see if his temperment changes before I add a BGK I think.


mine have been fine together for last couple of years. I think my african grey which I rarely see out is about 5 inches and my BGK is about 8 inches
african grey

Aren't they parrots :lol:

But yes, they would likely fight, they don't get on well with fish of the same general 'shape' in most cases.

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