Brought home betta number 3!!!


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
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Warm and Sunny Arizona
Was at the lfs this weekend to get food for my corys and some stress coat. I promised myself i wouldn't even so much as LOOK at the bettas, but of course, i did. and i saw the most beautiful one i've seen yet in the stores. usually they carry the reds or the aquas with red or the blues or the blues with red, or the purple and blues. well this one is white bodies with white fins but close to the body onthe fins is a mauve and dark purple coloring that spread onto the top and down part way on the sides of the body. he was soooo pretty that i stood there for 10 minutes deciding whether to get him or not. i had a dual betta hex at home that was empty but good to go, as i had just used it earlier in the week for putting molly fry in initially while i caught all of them. well, i had transferred the fry and still had the hex. so i decided to take this beautiful betta home and put him in the hex for a day or two until i could get a new one gallon. i had him at home for about two hours when i left to go back out and get that one gallon. he is now happily swimming about in it. i put his tank next to my blue/purple betta's tank (indigo) and the two will swim about happily and occassionally stop to flare at each other. and the two tanks look so good next to each other on my book shelf. i'm even thinking of moving dante's tank (a red) near them so they can all flare at each other.
i was jsut so happy about my beautiful new betta, had to share. hope to have some pictures soon!!!!!!!!
awwwwwww he sounds great :wub: i know about your :lol: i am sadly suffering from the same thing. i'm jealous tho i really want a white one!!!!!!!!! have fun with him :thumbs:
yeah, i'm at the point where i'm going to get a little 5.5 gal i saw, divide it, and put two more bettas in it. found a place with a good deal on 'em, jsut need a small hood. soon, every room in my apartment will have bettas :lol:
the store i got the white and purple one had a chocolate/golden colored one, but he was their "display" fish (in a nice big betta tank), but i may ask about him next time i'm there. is there a "bettas anonymous" out there? i think i need to sign up before this addiction goes too far. :fun: lfs told me that they would hold any black or white bettas that came in for that would b #4!!!!!!!! it's just like lays chips......betcha can't have (eat) just 1
is there a "bettas anonymous" out there?
I think need it, too!!!! ;) I can't stop. I had 5, but I gave one to my little neighbor as I felt I was going insane. Now, I have 4...I-will-not-buy-another-Betta. :blink:
Why not more? If you have the room and the money to spend on them I see nothing wrong with it. Theres one at one of my lfs that Ill prolly end up getting. He has an all chocolate body with whitish transparent fins. Absolutly stunning. Im due in there tomorrow to service the tanks. Yup he's coming home with me, Ive talked myself into it.
I'v always had a betta ever since I was 7 but never took it seriouse until two days ago whan I visited "" and saw a 132.00 dollar Gorege B. betta (red,white,and blue fins) I instantly took an interest to bettas after that. So two days later I whent to my local Petsmart to check out prices and compare. But the next thing I realize I'm looking at male bettas. I eventually found two with the biggest fins; a deep red with small blue speks on its side and a royal blue. I coudn't Resist :X

by the way it sounds like you have a star spangeld banner(red, White, and Blue) :pepsi:

:lol: I know I have heard of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), and I have have NA (Narcotics Anonymouse) ,,,,but this group takes the cake !!! :fun: After reading a lot of the posts in this section I am thinking about starting a BA. What is BA you ask...BETTAS ANONYMOUS !!!! :lol:
"I promised myself i wouldn't even so much as LOOK at the bettas, but of course, i did."
And Molly is your New President !!!! :D

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