Brotherly Love


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ft.Worth TX
2 of my boys were struttin' their stuff so cutely and I couldn't resist taking a few pics. Then it turned into a challenge because they were moving so fast :sly:


  • bro1.jpg
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Ok then. So the weather is perfect and I figure that I'll start up adopt a cull again. And I promise I won't chicken out about the priority shipping. I have quite a few fish that need to clear out wthin the next few weeks,otherwise they're stuck with me through the winter.
So if you can house more than 1,just let me know. Most of them are from this particular CT spawn. Nothing wrong with the fish...some of them just have train wrecks for finnage and they're not showable so out they go.
Here's the 1st. I had him seperated and with the show boys in hopes that his finnage would unkink. No such luck. He teeters on the edge of being combtailish too. So....anybody? First to PM me gets him for 5.00 priority shipping (US only).


  • cullk1.jpg
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i may be interested if no one calls him! need to talk to mom tho, so ill get back to you if u have no other takers
May he be mine wuv? Pretty please? pretty pretty please? I promise I will take awesome care of him! I'll put him in a empty 5g if I can get him okay?
Wisperian said:
May he be mine wuv? Pretty please? pretty pretty please? I promise I will take awesome care of him! I'll put him in a empty 5g if I can get him okay?
Only if you put wuv* in your sig.... :whistle:

*Note: Cation does not have the power or right to distribute wuv's culls. In fact, she doesn't have the power to do much of anything, except ask wuv to pm her about Robert... :whistle:
cation said:
Wisperian said:
May he be mine wuv? Pretty please? pretty pretty please? I promise I will take awesome care of him! I'll put him in a empty 5g if I can get him okay?
Only if you put wuv* in your sig.... :whistle:

*Note: Cation does not have the power or right to distribute wuv's culls. In fact, she doesn't have the power to do much of anything, except ask wuv to pm her about Robert... :whistle:
so i put her in my siggy? um... okay
WOW Kelly

Nice pics

I really like the one in the left

Wisperian might cost a pretty penney to get to canada

Prioratie takes 7 days! :eek:

Express takes 2 days

So u make the count..... :thumbs:
wow!, express may be the way to go if he going to vancouver, im not sure a fish could survive the chilly 7 day voyage. i live in wisconsin and its quite cold here right now. maybe if u put some other fish up for adoption ill be interested, im not sure im interested in mg's that much -_- those lil guys grew up fast wuv, i remember when they were born.

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