Fish Crazy
There's millions of the things
How long before the fry hatch? And do they need a separate tank in order to avoid being eaten? We have (apart from the corys) 3 x Tiger Barbs, 3 Glass Cats, 3 Pristellas, 3 Swordtails and 1 aquatic frog - tank size 180 litres so it's still reasonably understocked.
And to add to anyone elses questions about how to breed them - we didn't particularly want to breed them - not having the appropriate resources to cope - our nursery tank is already brim full of swordtail fry! We just looked and the eggs were all over!
Thanks peeps

How long before the fry hatch? And do they need a separate tank in order to avoid being eaten? We have (apart from the corys) 3 x Tiger Barbs, 3 Glass Cats, 3 Pristellas, 3 Swordtails and 1 aquatic frog - tank size 180 litres so it's still reasonably understocked.
And to add to anyone elses questions about how to breed them - we didn't particularly want to breed them - not having the appropriate resources to cope - our nursery tank is already brim full of swordtail fry! We just looked and the eggs were all over!
Thanks peeps