Bronze corys

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Prison Shepherd

New Member
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Esatbourne,East Sussex,UK
Bronze corys....Fist time spawned, placed eggs from main tank into Hatchery, all eggs went fungi, but later found 3 fry in filter! 2nd time.....removed eggs into small tank with parents for 36hours as told, within 5 hours most eggs had been eaten :sick: But 5 fry appeared ! :p
3rd time.........Parents placed into 2ft tank,started to spawn like mad,but once they had finished all eggs had been munched :crazy:
What could be done?
Hi Prison Shepherd :)

Most corys do not eat their eggs, but some individuals will do it. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do except remove the parents (or the eggs) immediately after they have spawned. :(

I've never had this problem with my bronze or albinos. In fact, they seem to tend their eggs by removing any that have gone bad. My pandas and some of my sterbai are egg eaters though, so I understand how frustrating it can be.

Corys are great fish to breed and raise because they are popular and easy to sell or find homes for. I hope you don't get discouraged by this. :D

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