Bronze Corys


New Member
Jun 15, 2006
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Hey all, I have three fairly good sized bronze cory catfish that I got a couple days ago. When I got them they were a light color, I just checked on them and now they are a very dark color, almost black it seems. Is this a good thing? Also I am attempting to breed them. Is this a good sign that they are becoming a little more happier?
I was going to post something about this today also. I have 4 cories from the same batch. 2 are in one tank and 2 are in another. The ones in the tank with white sand are light brown with irridescent green around their gills and near white bellies. The ones in the black sand tank are dark, dark brown deepening to black on their backs. Do all cories change to their environment? I also have a pair in the black sand tank that are a different breed, i bought them at the same time as the others, but these guys have grown up and have a mottled spotty pattern of dark brown to light brown on them. They are also about 3 times as big as the others (roughly as large as my dwarf gourami). They were all labeled as bronze cories in the tank at the LPS where I picked them up. I will try to post pics this evening for them. Mainly because there is a baby in the tank, and I am wondering which species it is...he is a fast grower. Two weeks ago when I first saw him, he was about the width of my pinky nail in length. This weekend I was watching him, and he has about doubled in size...I think he may be from the larger cories.

Here is an older pic of the big cories, they have grown a bit since.

The cories (most fishes) tend to "try to blend into their surroundings". So when you put then in a tank where the substrate's darker you'll see them changing their colours to adapt to the surroundings. :)
The picture you have shows a Corydoras paleatus (peppered).

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