Bronze Corys Darting To The Top Of The Tank?


Dec 17, 2009
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Hi, every now and again one of my 4 bronze corys will dart to the top of the tank stick its head out and come back down they do it very fast they don't seem stressed at all there all doing great and look very happy.

My water stats are perfect and my PH is 7.2

Are they doing this because there is not enough oxygen? if so ive got a air pump and stones and what not im not using it at the minute because i read they where not needed and i don't think the bubbles looks very nice.

Hi, every now and again one of my 4 bronze corys will dart to the top of the tank stick its head out and come back down they do it very fast they don't seem stressed at all there all doing great and look very happy.

My water stats are perfect and my PH is 7.2

Are they doing this because there is not enough oxygen? if so ive got a air pump and stones and what not im not using it at the minute because i read they where not needed and i don't think the bubbles looks very nice.

Corys do this - they can breathe in air and absorb the oxygen through the walls of their intestines. My peppered corys do it every so often and make quite a noise whilst their at it, too! Apparently if they start doing this more regularly, though, it can indicate that there has been a drop in the O2 level in the aquarium.
I agree with yabadaba,i see mine shoot up every now & then,the speed they do it at you'd think they would come right out the top :lol:
I know what you mean about the noise they make a right splash.

Il keep an eye on them they hardly do it though if they start doing it more often il put a air pump in and see if that helps.

Thanks :good:
My pygmy's have always done this, its quite funny to see hwen you know its all normal lol :lol:
My pygmy's do seem to swim in the middle layer of the tank as well as the bottom lol

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