Bronze Cory With gaping wound


Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2003
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
One of my Bronze Corys has developed a big hole under his chin to one side. This happend very very quickly ( or so it seemed ). It's like an ulcer which has eaten away half of his throat. Unless one of my Coolie Loaches has turned cannibalistic, I don't suspect any of his tank mates of attacking him.

I have 3 other corys and they're fine. I've had this fish for around 3 months and the other corys have always picked on him for some reason.

He's also always had sadle-shaped patch of white 'slime' or fungus just below his dorsal fin.

He's never been the best of specimens and I think I should have had a closer inspection before I bought him.

I plan to put him in a hospital tank tonight. I have a bacteria control treatment and aquarium salt. Do you think any of these would help? I don't hold much hope of seeing a recovery but I'd like to try.

Any advice?
No salt for your cory. That'll most likely do him more harm than good. And in a wound situation, there is always the possibility of bacterial infection. What do you mean by "bacterial control treatment"? An antibiotic might help him if that's what you have. But if it's to control bacterial bloom in a tank, it's not medication.
Hi adcs :)

I suspect that your fish has a serious bacterial infection. Please check this link for information about this problem and advice what to do. Unfortunately, the prognosis is not good once the disease reaches this stage.

Bacterial disease is common among cory cats. If you keep them, always be certain to keep your tank clean and fresh by doing frequent and adequate water changes and tank cleanings. It is much easier to prevent these infections than to cure them.

As to the salt, do not use it. Corys are quite sensitive to salt and there is no point in making him uncomfortable as well as sick. It would do nothing to help him in this case.

Please read this article for more information about salt and corys:
Thanks for your advice.

My Bronze Cory is now in a hospital tank looking much better, even if he is sulking 'cos he's by himself.

The only treatment I could find with any use ('cos all the fish shops around here are rubbish!) was King British Bacteria Control for the treatment of gillrot, dropsy and ulcers. It apparently cures fish with septicaemia and cleans and protects wound infections allowing fast healing, or so it claims. We shall see!

I didn't expect the fish to make it this far but he doesn't seem to be getting any worse and he doesn't have any fungus on him anymore.

I'm not having much luck with these fish at the moment as you can probably gather from my post about the Rosy Barb.

Thanks for your help.
Hi adcs :)

I'm glad you found a product that is helping to cure your cory. :nod:

It might also be a good idea to keep the temperature no higher than 74-75 degrees and to aerate the tank well since these hinder the reproduction of harmful bacteria.

Do watch the other corys to be certain that whatever caused this one to become infected has not harmed them too.

Good luck and please let me know if he recovers. :D
My Bronze Cory is doing very well at the moment. When I first saw his problems I was sure he wouldn't last the night. He's befriended a poorly Rosy Barb who (very surprisingly) is recovering very well from a burst cyst.

Do you think there is anything I could do to speed up healing with these two?
Hi adcs :)

I'm so happy to learn that your cory is doing so well. Frankly, I thought he would come to a sad end given his condition. I've never heard of the medicine you are using, but it's a good one! :nod:

Since all is going well, just let nature take its course and heal the fish in its own good time. If your hospital tank is not cycled, however, be sure to monitor its water and do changes as needed during their convalescence. :D

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