Haha, what he said ^
Looks like it could be some sort of parasite, maybe anchor worm?
Haha, what he said ^
Looks like it could be some sort of parasite, maybe anchor worm?
I've been told it's not a anchor worm and was suggested to treat it for bacterial meds by this thread. I hate treating for something that does not exist. Anyone suggest me trying to remove it?
Haha, what he said ^
Looks like it could be some sort of parasite, maybe anchor worm?
I've been told it's not a anchor worm and was suggested to treat it for bacterial meds by this thread. I hate treating for something that does not exist. Anyone suggest me trying to remove it?
I wouldn't suggest that, no, it'd probably give the fish a coronary anyway, but also I suspect it, whatever it is, doesn't want to let go, so you could potentially damage the gills by trying.
I'd go for an external parasite med, but I would suggest running a carbon filter for a few days first, to get rid of the anti-bacterial med. This is probably just me being overly-cautious, but I don't like having 2 different meds in the water at the same time. Just feels wrong.
You only asked about this fish 4 days ago, is it still swimming irratically or has that stopped I was presuming so after the pm saying the med was working? What antibacterial med are you using, most I know of are a course of at least 5 days. If that white lump has a forked tail then yes its an anchor worm, but from the picture its too large for an anchor worm and gill flukes you can usually only see magnified. I think you will find once the antibacterial medication course has finished the lump will just drop off, but I could be wrong.
Do you by any chance have a breeding net/ trap that can be suspended near the surface of the tank, away from bright light but still near the filter?
I was thinking if you keep medicating and have him in a net/ trap then you could also put a large artificial leaf over the surface of the net. This will furhter shade the cory (less stress about being in bright light), while providing a softish roof incase the cory makes another bid for freedom. I have a large leaf that for one of my Siamese fighters (even though mine dont try to jump out) and he loves resting on the leaf and under it.
If you do use a leaf in conjunction with a net just make sure there is still an air pocket for the cory to gulp air from.
By the sounds of it the parasite is starting to vacate your cory, hence the extra efforts of the cory to esacpe, it would have to hurt having whatever it is attached to any body part.
Yes I would move him to the QT and continue the current medications in the current tank, while sorting out what you will treat the cory with.