Bronze Cory eggs..........?

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Prison Shepherd

New Member
Aug 20, 2004
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Esatbourne,East Sussex,UK
My Bronze Cory's are laying Eggs.
I have been told many ways to get them to hatch? Remove parents? Don't remove parents? I have had Fungi on them and have been told that this is as they are not fertile? or ,I need to add meth Blue?
Can anyone help me?
Hi Prison Shepherd :)

Your cory eggs will always fungus if they are not fertile. While you don't need more than one male to fertilize the eggs, it's often recommended.

Eggs will also develop fungus from insufficient water circulation over them. The best way to solve this problem is to add an air stone. You can also add methylene blue, if you like, but the airstone will do the most good, IMHO.

In any spawn, you can expect to see some of the eggs fungus, but this should not be a problem unless it spreads to the rest of them. After the good, fertile, eggs hatch, just wipe the fungused ones off the glass with a clean cloth. :D
Thanks Inchworm
I have got the eggs in a 2 gal tank with a air stone under them and meth blue as well.They are being keeped company by 5 bronze fry from the last batch of eggs that i thought the parents ate.................but have seen a danio botia that looks like he has a way of get pass the was it him that did the dirty deed?
I will keep you informed what happens but at the mo,things look good with the eggs (about 100 ) gone a pale brown and NO fungi ! :)

Prison Shepherd

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