Bronze Cory Dead Then Not Dead


New Member
Dec 29, 2007
Reaction score
Leicestershire, UK
Hi all

I have a bronze cory that suddenly flew around the tank like a maniac then looked completely dead for about 10 minutes.

Then it came round looking pale and shocked and got more or less back to normal. Now it is again going between comatose and normal activity.

There are no external signs on the fish and other cories and fish are OK (I hope)

Tested the water - Amm 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 15-ish. ph about 7.5, Temp about 74F

The tank is cleaned and 15% water changed once a week.

Tank is 200L

Tankmates are 4 small gouramis, 3 cory, 2 goby , 5 danios and 2 zebra snails

Two of the gouramis were added this week but were a transfer from my daughters tank which is showing no problems last external addition about 4 weeks ago which was new plants

Can anyone give me some advice please? Is this a parasite I should treat?


Did something spook the cory.
Darting can be bad water quality, parasites, overdose of med, to electric shock.
Sounds like something spooked him.
Did something spook the cory.
Darting can be bad water quality, parasites, overdose of med, to electric shock.
Sounds like something spooked him.

Not spooked as far as I know, when it started we were sat by the tank quietly talking.

This has been going on for 24 hours now, no mad panics again but periods of almost normalness followed by periods of looking like he is about to die .

From your list I know its not water quality, meds or electric shock - are there visible parasite signs?


When a fish darts about the tank it also can be a sign of a dying fish.

Does the cory look pale or darker in colour, being listless and lethagic and not eating.
It's just finally gone :-(

It was fine until yesterday but very pale since.

I gave it a really close look over there were no external marks it looked perfect. I guess I just need to keep a really close eye on the rest now.

Thanks for your quick reply anyway

Sorry bless him.

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