Bronze Catfish Diseases?


New Member
Nov 19, 2005
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it lies on the bottom on its side and moves a little bit every now and then but still on its side. What is wrong with it?
Need to no water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, size of tank in gallons or litres, full fish stock in tank, tank maintanance, what do the barbels look like, that the whiskers near the mouth that they find food with, sounds like a bacteria infection, but once fish lay on there sides i'm sad to say it not good news.
Oh well I tried a water change. It still died though.
Sorry R.I.P.
What are the water stats regardless im curious if you have other fish in there that are in jeopardy. How did he die did you figure this out?
I agree with Saoup, whatever killed your cory could also kill your other fish even if they seem ok at the moment, doesn't mean the killer is gone. The fact that "it lies on the bottom on its side and moves a little bit every now and then but still on its side." is a major cause for concern and to test your water quality for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates via test kits you can get from your local fish store(lfs)- how long has the tank been set up, how many gallons does it hold and what and how many fish do you have in it?

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