Broken Light


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Apr 12, 2009
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Hi all, I was wondering if any one could come up with some ideas on a problem that I've had for quite a while now with one of my tanks.

I have a SuperFish Aqua 40 tank with a broken light. I've tried replacing the bulb and nothing. This wasn't too bad during the summer months as the tank was getting enough light but now with it being winter it's just too dark. I can't take the tank hood off either which is the biggest problem, and even if I could I wouldn't be able to have an open top tank as I have a male betta in there. I've never seen him jump but don't want to really risk it.

I've tried having a desk lamp next to the tank but it just doesn't light it enough. I'm starting to feel sorry for the poor little guy for being in a dim tank, and on top of that the plants are dying too so he's loosing his hiding places.

The cheapest tank replacement that I've found so far has been £45 and there's no way I can afford that. So does anyone have any other ideas that would allow me to light my tank?

Many thanks!
can you get some photos on the
hinge section and of the inside of the hood
Is it a flourescent tube? If so it could simply be the starter that needs replacing. I don't know anything about your tank so it might not have either.
Biffster: I'm not at home with the tanks right now, but I asked nicely to the other half and he said he'd get some pics in a minute :p
JasonandKill: I'm not sure what it is tbh, but I had my dad look at it as he thought it might be the starter too but he was stumped by it.
Biffster: I'm not at home with the tanks right now, but I asked nicely to the other half and he said he'd get some pics in a minute :p
JasonandKill: I'm not sure what it is tbh, but I had my dad look at it as he thought it might be the starter too but he was stumped by it.

if i can get a look at it
i might be able to help tell
me the exact make cos if i cant
see what i need i will go to the
pet shop tomorrow and have a look at one
and see the ins and outs of it
you do know there is a two year guarantee
on this tank
It's definitely the SuperFish Aqua 40 tank, another thing I know is that it has an older style light. There hasn't been a bulb in it for ages but it takes a "SuperFish PL Lamp Tropical Duo 11watt".

Here are pictures of the tank lid:

Inside of lid
Close up of light unit
Random shot of the back of the tank lid :rolleyes:

Thank you so much for the kind offer of help Bifster, I really appreciate it :good:
the hinges are the same as aqua one
they do un clip the black box that
the wire comes out of that goes to the light
is that a sealed unit or is there screw in it
if its not repairable it might be worth
getting a separate starter unit and wiring that in
Apparently you can unscrew the hinges (news to me :p). It's not a sealed unit, it does have a screw in it.
Apparently you can unscrew the hinges (news to me :p). It's not a sealed unit, it does have a screw in it.

if you can get in to there and
take a few photos for me i think
you might be able to buy a replacement
starter from an electrical wholesalers
the hinges are the same as aqua one ones
i am sure they just unclip if i can get
a look inside it might just be a starter
motor with any luck
Gah I'm not going to be able to do that until Thursday night now D: The bf is coming to visit me in uni and won't be back with the tanks until Thursday.
But I'll ask dad and see if he's willing to open it and have a look although god knows if he'd be able to take photos.

It would be great if it's just the starter motor as they're dirt cheap, right?

Thanks again Biffster for the help :good: I'll get back to you about it as soon as I can.
Sorry, but I am almost certain that is a ballasted compact fluorescent fixture. There is no starter like you have with the cheaper T8's. Then again I'm in a different country, most tanks in the US normally have a condensation tray to protect the bulb from getting wet :unsure: . Anyway if it is a ballast, then you will need to replace the ballast or buy a new hood.
A "starter" is really a tiny transformer that the fluorescent tube uses to start the tube conducting. Once it is conducting the voltage needed to keep it working is lower so the starter is removed from the circuit. As you have already noted, a starter is a very cheap thing to replace. On the other hand, if you have a starterless ballast arrangement, the ballast itself is relied on to provide enough voltage to get the tube conducting and to continue that process. The actual internal wiring of your fixture will be different depending on which approach the system is using. I( have a few of each type and the ones with a ballast only work at least as well as the ones that require a starter. If you have a system that does not have a starter, your troubleshooting will probably start with a tube replacement and then, if the first try fails, a ballast replacement. If you are forced to replace the ballast, take the opportunity to upgrade to an electronic ballast. It will be more energy efficient and will pay for the difference in price in about a year by savings in electrical power consumption.

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