Broken Glass


New Member
Jun 7, 2007
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hello im new here,
I have a huge problem. I have been using one of my fish tanks for one of my snakes untill it gets abit bigger. Now some of the water from the water dish has spilt over the gass on top of the heat mat creating a nasty web of cracks. I did some research on google and found a article saying i should remove the pane, srape the old silicone off, and the put a clean pane in with new silicone. I then went to a local pet shop and asked them. they told me to get some glass from a glass glazer and put it inside the tank on top of the old broken pane. Is there any type of glass i should be looking for ? Do anyone have any advice to fix it ?
take the old pane off and replace it. standard glass, same thickness as the rest of the panes in the tank. its a pretty easy job to do :) just take you time with it. heres a tip, when you use the silicone, wet your fingers with warm soapy water. this stops the silicone sticking to you and going everywhere! oh, and make sure its aquarium grade silicone! :good:

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