Brizillian Feshwater Puffer


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
My friend and I are shopping for fish on the net and on there is one of these guyes. I want to buy one and put it with silver dollars and a ropefish in my 30 gallon. Will this work out?
NO FISH GROWS TO THEIR ENVIRONMENT!!!!! :grr: Their body stops but their organs don't so, DEAD FISH :angry: I'm sure the LFS employee told you that???
dwarfs, deep breaths, Goose Fraba, goose fraba.

All I can tell you is that most puffers are fin nippers, and aren't good tankmates, and that you wouldn't be happy in a small closet-sized room, would you?
...Ummm no.... the LFS didn't telll me that dwarfs... I found that out on the internet. Thank you GodricPuffer for the info, I won't buy one.
That's okay. I know they get pretty big so, I'm only keeping one of them and selling the rest when the get 8 inches. That is their adult size. I'm probably going to sell the rest. :)
StingrayKid said:
That's okay. I know they get pretty big so, I'm only keeping one of them and selling the rest when the get 8 inches. That is their adult size. I'm probably going to sell the rest. :)
Siver dollars are schooling fish. Having just one wil stress the fish. You need at least three.

catch 22.
I think SA puffers are supposed to be the least nippy.... mine certainly doesnt even think about it, he gets scared by my tetras!

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