Bristlenoses Gone Missing!


Fish Crazy
Nov 16, 2007
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i brought 2 bristlenoses about a month back they were out and about for about a week, but since then i cant find them even wen cleaning the tank out, do they burry themself in the sand??

any help would be appriciated
well i had a similar problem a while back i had a yoyo loach and a rainbow shark go missing like they just disappeared and never did find them, and this weekend i did a tank swap and i couldent find my raphel catfish here the catfish was inside one of the decorations barely even seen him

i would say since they are plecos check ur tank very good, as plecos will find the smallest hiding spots and u might just be overlooking them but if u do have any decorations that have any holes in them that would be a good place to look hope this helps
I watched my pleco stick himself into a hole the other day, even as the water was coming out of it. It's highly possible that it's still in the tank, in what ever decoration it finds habitable. Honestly, when I remove decorations...I'm VERY careful about what I remove and how it's dealt with.

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