Bristlenoses Breeding!


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2008
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Hi guys, I have had a pair of Bristlenoses for about a month now. They are about 2.5 inches long each. I really like them and their attitude in general. This morning I looked into the tank to see a bunch of eggs inside a crevice in the wood which the male had called home. :hyper: I wasn't expecting this at all. Will the babies eat algae wafers and vegetables, thats what I feed the adults and they seem to like them?
They will be in a tank with young guppies which I am going to sell/give away soon. Will they be alright with those and their parents? Another thing is, are the eggs supposed to be amber coloured, because mine are whitey/yellow is this normal?
Any general advice would be great,
Thanks Guys
congrats, they should be fine in that tank and yes they will eat wafers or vegies, dont worry if it doesnt look like theyre eating, they will be!

eggs can vary so nothing to be worried about unless they are white that usually means fungus

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