Bristlenoses and kuhlis


Fish Crazy
Sep 2, 2003
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, England
I was planning on getting bristlenosed catfish AND kuhli loaches but I've just seen that bristlenosed catfish are terretorial. Is this just against their own species? Or the same sex? Would it be O.k if I had a pair with some kuhli loaches? I have a 30 gallon which will also have some other community fish. :fish:
I guess it depends on the size of the bristlenoses. I have two ancistrus about 3 inches, who only bother each other to fight over food. They ignore all the other fish including the clown loaches.......
I wouldnt recomend keeping two male bristlenoses in a 30g but a male and female or two females would be fine, bristlenoses will not bother khuli loaches at all.
Remember to keep at least 5 khuli loaches if you want any hope of seeing them, the more you have the more secure they feel and the more they will come out to feed.

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