

Fish Crazy
Nov 5, 2004
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Kent UK

I just wanted to check whether bristlenoses need wood to survive (as comented in a different post)? I have a largish tank with ornaments that resemble wood, slate rocks and plenty of plants as well as plenty of hiding space at the back of the tank. Is this enough for my bristlenose or should they have wood as well?

+ what's the best food for a bristlenose? The guy at my lfs said that leftover flakes and algae along would be ok, bit I thought you had to feed tablets. A friend also suggested cucumber? surely that would float! -_-
Some wood such as mopani wood gives off a chemical called tanin which is an important supplement to most varieties of sucker mouthed cats. Unfortunately this also turns ur water orange and only plenty of water changes will stop that
The tablets u talk of are most likely to be algae tablets which contain a majority of what a pleco needs but i am not keen on some of the cheaper varities as they contain a high percentage of ash in them.
So be nice to ure pleco and give him some wood................remember a log is for life not just for xmas
I remember reading Mopani isn't suitable for some wood eating Plecs, so be sure to check first, I think it is sand blasted or something... Boiling the wood will remove the tanins, or you can soak it in cold water for a few days also.
Everything else has been pretty much answered but... cucumber wont float - I wish it would sometimes. BTW remove the skin as it may contain pesticides and wash it - most fish preffer the inside anyway and it may semi-float but will soon sink.
Thanks for your advice everyone.

I just brought a lemon spotted green pleco (rather pricy, but he's a beauty!) and got a small piece of cornish bogwood for him and my bristlenose to munch on. :p
Common pleco needs wood in their diet, but bristlenose doesn't. But no pleco will compain if you have wood in them - they will pretty much spend most of their time on them.

I raised whole bunch of bristlenose frys with no wood in the tank. As long as there's enough vegetables, they are ok.
Sorry for bringing this up from the dead.

Bristlenose diet's consist on rotting wood or even just a little much on wood.
Its not actually bout your happyness, its the fishes. If the fish are happy, you will be. Put some wood in there, as it is a big part of their life. Not only are they best for homes, it is also food.

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