

Fish Herder
Apr 1, 2004
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Hi there...

We'll i was at my local Ifs yesterday and they had some lovely little Bristlenose plec's for sale. Now i've been on the hunt for a plec that would do well in my 50gal. I have 1 Green Severum, 2 Clown barbs and a Blue Gourami. Just wanted to know if this would be a good set-up for one.

Thnx for any help :D
i see no problem with adding a BN to the tank with the tank mates you listed.
in that sized tank - get a few - they are really active when young... and if you get a pair they will more than likely end up breeding - providing a great fun pastime called "count the fry!"
Thnx for the replys guys...I wasn't to worried about my barbs or gourami..but my Severum...Are bnose's ok single, and is there anything i should look for when picking one out?... Again thnx for the help.
Yes Bn's are ok on their own.

and is there anything i should look for when picking one out?.

I would pick one which had good colouring in it and one which is fairly lively.

One more thing if you dont know, make sure you have a few hiding places for the Bn. eg, A piece of Bog/driftwood or a half buried pot.

Thnx nitro... We'll i did get one and he is currently acclimateing into his new tank...I've got 2 large pieces of driftwood and more than enough places for him to hide....He was the most active one in the tank ...but when i got him home i noticed a small chunk of his tail missing...Nothing to serious i think and a little TLC will fix it up nicely. I'll be sure to post some pics of him when hes settled in. Thnx for all the help!!!

This is his new home. :D
Im sure he will love it in that tank with all the wood and stones to explore over. :thumbs:

Hope his/her tail heals alright.
Sad update.... Everything was going fine (i thought)my new Bristlenose was fairly active and fed on some cucumber and algae tabs. I did notice some considerable fin damage and body damage... I added some Melafix and water conditions were perfect. But I found him face up and being pecked by my Clown barbs. There was never any signs of aggression with the fish i currently had in the tank. Ðont know what happened...Sorry little buddy :/
how big was he?

I'd have bought a full grown onw with the tank mates. (4-5")

he'll probubly have been picked on after lights out :(
He was about 3.5"...The severum is only about 4" and my clown barbs and gourami are about 3-4"....Do you think it could have been that.?
digital_run said:
He was about 3.5"...The severum is only about 4" and my clown barbs and gourami are about 3-4"....Do you think it could have been that.?
ah, I was expecting you to say they were biggier....

It probubly wasn't that then.

It may well have been an ill plec to start with - internal parisites arn't uncommon in recently imported plecs :(
i bought two really small bnoses a month of so back and i put them into the tank and the next day one died and then about a week after that the other one died. it wasn't too good :/ .. but i bought a new one and it's much bigger than the other two. maybe u can try again :)

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