

Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
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Sutton Coldfield / West Midlands / England / UK
i have 3 young bristlenose non with bristles yet due to age i believe

all 3 were a nice chocolate brown color with lighter brown patches however 2 of them for some reason have turned green :S

I have looked up on a few sites and i cant find any reference to this or why it might of happened

they still seem quite happy swimming around eating fine as well

just why on earth have they turned green ? :/ thats the bit thats confused me

any help on this would be appreciated

Richard :)
Tropjunky said:
the lack of bristles means u got females. they might be ready for night on the pull or they might be sick.
Bristles dont develop until they are about 2-3 inches in size...

When I bought our male, he was a light sandy coulour... he's now exactly the same colours as his female counterpart.. they adjust their colour to suit their surroundings... he came from the lfs that had v.light sand as the substrate... and it now in a tank with gravel and lots of dark bogwood...

what colours go you have in your tank?
Hmm, I have 4 of them in my planted tank, and I never observed them turning green during the past 12 months! That is odd!

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