Fish Crazy
Hi all,
So the juwel rio 180L is running well and the cardinals and opaline gourami are doing well.
The new juwel 240L that I was given has been giving double 0's for 4 days now so 3 to go.
I'm now tkinking of a stocking list for it.
I love the look of a bristlenose pleco.
My question is, i have a little brown algae from cycling that has dropped onto the subsrate, do I gravel vac it or do I leave it for the Bristlenose?
So the juwel rio 180L is running well and the cardinals and opaline gourami are doing well.
The new juwel 240L that I was given has been giving double 0's for 4 days now so 3 to go.
I'm now tkinking of a stocking list for it.
I love the look of a bristlenose pleco.
My question is, i have a little brown algae from cycling that has dropped onto the subsrate, do I gravel vac it or do I leave it for the Bristlenose?