

Feb 20, 2008
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Somerset (UK)
Hello Guys

I have not got any bristlenose yet and I may just stick to one but just wondered if you could tell me abit about bristleys and what to do to get them to breed?

I assume like all normal breeding you have to have at least a pair that are not related...

Can you just have a pair or is it advisable to get a trio? and why?

Also do you usually stick to one colour morph or does it matter a great deal if they are different?

Also what do you do with the babies if they are prolific? Do you sell privately or do you sell to an LPS for credit? Do you have problems selling the babies?

Thanks for any advice you can give me....
If you put a male and a female together, they will breed, give them places to breed, like slate caves.. (i have a trio and recommend 2 females and 1 male)

Give them bogwood to chew on..
Most lfs will take fry yes, i can get £1.50 each for them at lfs if i grow them to 1"..

You will also need a decent size tank to grow the fry out.

Albino and common browns will breed with each other..

all you need to do to help them spawn is do 40% cold waterchanges so the temp drop a few degrees. (every 3-4 days)

Mine spawn without the cold water changes but it may help you to do cold water changes though, co give it a try.
mine spawned without doing cold water changes. Just left them to it and one day, boooom



cant control them!! there like rabbits, lol
This is what I was kind hoping (that they would breed like rabbits) as I really want to start upgrading my filter systems to externals by selling off the babies....Plus my partner has just said that i could possibly get another tank!!!!


So did you guys just put a male and female together and they automatically pair off or did you get a group of males and females and they chose their partner from the group?

Also is it best to get males and females that are not related?
I have a trio, both spawn with the male, sometimes one after the other, but this time they both laid thier eggs in the cave at the same time, got about 150-200 fry off them ;)
Blimey! Rabbits indead! :lol:

They must love your tank....

So if i buy just a male and female to begin with then they should/maybe pair off? obviosely they would have to be mature.

Also I am thinking of buying some long finned bristles....Can i breed them to normal bristlenoses? will mean that i should get half and half?

and what about colour? does it really matter what colour they are?
My trio are only................

(--------------------------------------------------) big and they spawn like mad

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