

Fred and the Fredettes
Oct 3, 2006
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London, UK
Hoping to get approx 3x adults of one peep and 1x adult off another peep, not quite sure of the sex ratio's but i think it will work out as 2x males and 2x females

my question......

i got 2x 300 litre / 67 gallon tanks, one will be packed with bog wood, the other will be packed with ocean rock, slate and plant pots perhaps.

I am tempted to put all the 4x Bristlenose in the "bog wood" tank as i believe they like bog wood to munch on?

Am i better off putting them all in the bog wood tank or 2x in the Bog-Wood tank and 2x in the Ocean Rock tank?

Tank mates (in either tank) are mostly Mixed Cichlids, ranging from 2" to 7"

Bristlenoses don't eat bogwood but they do like bogwood to hide in. Is the ocean rock tank a high pH/African tank? I've heard of people keeping bristlenoses in them successfully but they'd need to get used to a pH change gradually over time. :good:
cheers Kathy

Yes the ocean rock tank will be malawi dominant, but the pH difference between my previous bog wood set-ups and ocean rock set ups, has been minimal

averaging about 7.6 for the Bog Wood and 7.8 for the Oceon rock

The Bristlenose are from 7.8 tap water
id go for the bogwood set up every time, i am pretty sure that it aids with their digestion
id go for the bogwood set up every time, i am pretty sure that it aids with their digestion

i think you might be right. I hear they like "rasping" on the bog wood, and that its beneficial for there health

If i had 2x males and 2x females, would a 48" long, 20" deep (67 gallon) tank be big enough? i an guessing yes, but want to see what peeps think
I have 5 BN's and they all rasp on my wood. They seem to like the large piece made from a lighter wood type than the usual mopani stuff I get but they'll rasp it as well. Definitely get it if you can.
Silly question - But is there a difference between the a BN Catfish and a BN Pleco?. Everytime I look around, I get confused and am concerned that the plec side of the gene grow quite large.. You see, I am looking to get a BN Catfish and I do not want anything that is going to grow bigger that 4-6 inches...
good question, i always thought they were one and the same, lets see

love your avatar pic, what is it? some kind of dwarf cichlid? An apistogramer (spelling?)
There are several species of Bristlenoses. They're in the catfish family but not all (if any) are true plecos. They are Ancistrus which is a close relative. Catfish or Pleco are the commonly used names for any number of the most often seen ones.

Here is a list of all the ones at Planet Catfish.
There are several species of Bristlenoses. They're in the catfish family but not all (if any) are true plecos. They are Ancistrus which is a close relative.

All members of the Loricariidae family ome under the term "plecos", and Ancistrus species are Loricarids. :unsure:

Silly question - But is there a difference between the a BN Catfish and a BN Pleco?. Everytime I look around, I get confused and am concerned that the plec side of the gene grow quite large.. You see, I am looking to get a BN Catfish and I do not want anything that is going to grow bigger that 4-6 inches...

The most commonly sold Bristlenose Catfish/Plec is Ancistrus sp. 3, and these grow to about 5-6". There are hundreds of species of "plec", and many don't grow big at all. :good:
OK - So what you are saying is that the ancistruc sp3 is the best... What I am looking for is as follows


- - If this is one and the same, I am onto a winner.
I will have to have a look at what my lfs has (SWALLOW Aquatics - Rayleigh).
Thanks for the guidance all

Fry_lover - Its a double red Apistogramma Cacatuoides... Once of my more favourite fish - The males display the colours, the females are yellow with black stripes. A lovely fish for a cichlid tank..

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :good:
My mistake. I had thought pleco and Ancistrus were split into two seperate groups or familys, whichever. The nomenclature changes so often I don't keep up.

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