I got him!!! Of course just my luck - my camera broke last night right when I got home, so unfortunatly I don't have any photos. How long do you think it will take him to stop hiding? (I saw him last night next to the piece of bog wood...this morning he was no where to be found....
I know the introduction period is the hardest - so I just want to be sure he's all right. I've heard that feeding blanched veggies and putting garlic on them will tempt him to come out??
Or am I just being paranoid? My corycats started eating his alge wafers so I'm not possitive he got any last night (they're normally fed scrimp pellets)
I know the introduction period is the hardest - so I just want to be sure he's all right. I've heard that feeding blanched veggies and putting garlic on them will tempt him to come out??
Or am I just being paranoid? My corycats started eating his alge wafers so I'm not possitive he got any last night (they're normally fed scrimp pellets)