Bristlenose, Right? Pictures.


New Member
Feb 15, 2009
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I purchased a pleco yesterday at a lfs and almost all of the fish were labeled wrong or not labeled at all (sadly this is the best store in my area). When I asked how much the pleco's were I was told one flat price because they said all they had were commons. Then I found one little guy in a tank with some commons that looked different and had a couple of bristles on him. This is a stupid question but that means he's a bristlenose, right? I didn't want a common one (too big). I bought him so hopefully I'm right. :) I better be right because my dummy husband said something about him having bristles while the lady was bagging him so she raised the price tag.

Pictures aren't great, sorry.


Thank you very much. :)

I wish I could find something "different" but all the lfs's in my area are crap. You know it's bad when you have to drive over two hours to get to the best store and it's a petsmart!! We used to have a great little store that specialized in fish and had a huge selection of healthy fish, a lot of them the owner actually bred himself. They closed down though when the big chains moved in. :(
Here's another question that I'll just throw in this post so I don't take up the whole forum. :)
I know you can feed plecos zucchini and cucumber, but do you have to do anything to it first or just cut it up and throw it in?
Here's another question that I'll just throw in this post so I don't take up the whole forum. :)
I know you can feed plecos zucchini and cucumber, but do you have to do anything to it first or just cut it up and throw it in?

nah just cut it up, wash it well and weight it down ;) job done... zucchini has a far better nutricional value than cucumber :)


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