Bristlenose Pleco


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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i have a 4x2x2 100 ukg tank and id like to add a bristlenose plec. the tank is stocked with 2 sevs 1 blue acara 8 tiger barbs 1 senegal bichir and 15 corys. not really too concerned about any of these , however the tank also houses an L081 small spot golden nuggget and a featherfin synodontis which are the 2 that im dubious about.

am i right in thinking it may be a bit risky or could it work?
i have a 4x2x2 100 ukg tank and id like to add a bristlenose plec. the tank is stocked with 2 sevs 1 blue acara 8 tiger barbs 1 senegal bichir and 15 corys. not really too concerned about any of these , however the tank also houses an L081 small spot golden nuggget and a featherfin synodontis which are the 2 that im dubious about.

am i right in thinking it may be a bit risky or could it work?

I sounds like enough space for them to have their own teritorys but i havent had much exsperience with plecos but from reading it should be fine.
dont quote me though and wait for someone else to confurm but to me it sounds ok
Not really a definitive answer m8, you could well be fine, you could have trouble. Without trying there really isn't anyway of saying yes it will work or no it wont. GN's do have a bad rep for been quite aggressive and often are very unsociable but plenty of hiding places and it could well work.

Me personally think you have enough bottom dwellers as it is. Is the bichir a bottom dweller aswell?, haven't got a clue on the fish sorry.

You could potentially have a problem with the sevs aswell if they become aggressive, again i don't know anything about them but if they do i guess there could be a potential for harm i guess.
thanks, pretty much confirms what i was thinking about the risks with the nugget. i will probably leave it i rekon. the sevs are no problem both are very placid, but the nugget doesnt stay hid in roots etc its usually out and about all around the tank so the 2 plecs would be coming into contact a lot .

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