Bristlenose pleco in filter compartment


New Member
Aug 17, 2019
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hi we have an AquaNano 40 which has a compartment at the rear for the filter and heater... the problem is that on introducing a bristlenose he bolted straight up the rear wall and over into the filter compartment! I know they are shy, but I'm not sure how good a long term situation this is for the plec, although he seems happy enough hiding (upside down) and feeding whenever stuff drifts in there or I feed him. I've tried a net, which isn't quite small enough to catch him (the bit he is in is a sort of L shape and you just can't get into the bottom L bit) - and I don't want to frighten or hurt him. I have tried not feeding him for a day or two to see if he will come out. Help?!
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

This happens more than most people realise. Catfish, eels and loaches regularly go exploring and end up in places they don't really belong. Normally they are fine and there's no real problem. If they can get to the motor they might be damaged by the impellor (magnet with plastic blades), but for the most part the fish don't have any problems.

If the filter can be removed for cleaning, you can tip the fish back into the tank. Otherwise you will need a small net to catch it out. Some filters can be filled up completely with tank water and the fish will sometimes swim out at night.

If you get the fish out and it continues to go back in, you might need to make a screen to stop it getting into the filter. Sponges can normally be used for this, just buy a sponge and jam it into place so the water can flow through but the fish can't.
Screen Shot 2019-08-17 at 17.56.14.pngThanks for this. If you look at the diagram he's between the (3) and (4) - in the L-shaped compartment between the carbon filters and the sponge - specifically, upside down under the (3) making him impossible to get to, I'm going to try removing the sponge (4) and hopefully coaxing him into the larger compartment so I can get to him. He is an amazing little fish... we put zucchini on top of the sponge, he carried it into his den, ate what he wanted and somehow returned the rest to the top of the sponge.
View attachment 93205Thanks for this. If you look at the diagram he's between the (3) and (4) - in the L-shaped compartment between the carbon filters and the sponge - specifically, upside down under the (3) making him impossible to get to, I'm going to try removing the sponge (4) and hopefully coaxing him into the larger compartment so I can get to him. He is an amazing little fish... we put zucchini on top of the sponge, he carried it into his den, ate what he wanted and somehow returned the rest to the top of the sponge.

I guess he wanted to save the leftovers for lunch the next day. And wanted to make sure no one else ate it.
Once you get him out, if you don't have something like this already, maybe you can add something to your tank that he can use as his den, instead of the filter. A little hidey hole. I hope you can get him out.
He has got us well trained :) If - hopefully when - we get him out I will make a hidey hole. There are some rocks, bogwood and plants but I'll try and make or get a proper hideout for him
we used pvc pipe for bristlenose to hide in. Use 1-2 inch diameter pvc pipe and cut it to 6 inch lengths, then push one end into the substrate and leave the other end open.
He needs wood anyway. Put some driftwood in the main tank. Take out the carbon filters (they aren't needed anyway) and drop a shrimp pellet into the main tank, making sure it sinks. If he's anything like mine that will make him come out.
I had one go into the filter but he managed to get in the cartridge portion and he got stuck all in the media. I had to cut him loose. He never did it again.
he's now gone into the heating compartment, which is slightly bigger. I'm going to try and fish him out shortly!
I'll let you borrow my Asian Fisherman to help fish him out. He loves to fish.
he's out! Very happy plec in new home: thanks for the help everybody

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