Bristlenose Pleco - Discoloration On The Back


New Member
Aug 2, 2009
Reaction score
Chicago, US
I don't know if this is the problem, but I noticed a couple days ago my little bn pleco got discolored patch on the back. I know that they has tendency to get spots and sort of mask shape mark on the back. But this one is different. Could you please help me to determine if it's dangerous and what should I do if it is? I have attached the picture and the spot that concern me circled with red.
Today I found my pleco dead, could please someone tell me what was wrong with him/her? I hve another bn pleco and also 6 angels and 18 danios. If it's a desease what should I do to treat it? Could please someone help!
Water stats for ammonia, nitrIte, nitrAte, Ph and temperature please.

Also tank size in litres, dimensions and tank mates.

All this info will help.
Water stats for ammonia, nitrIte, nitrAte, Ph and temperature please.

Also tank size in litres, dimensions and tank mates.

All this info will help.

Thank you so much for taking time and answering my post in Emergencies.
I have another question about my left alone pleco. I'm watching him closely now and I thought he had stringy white poo, but it's not the issue. Its poo has a white poo when he eats zucchini, that's his favorite I think, but other time it's just normal, if I can say that. But it can be very long (sometimes 10cm) and just hangs. Does it mean he is overeating or it will be also considered that he might have parasites?
Thank you again!
Hi, normal long brown poo is pretty much a plec trade mark - sounds fine :)

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