Bristlenose Plec


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2008
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I'm not too concerned at the moment, but i bought a little baby bristlenose plec about 3 months ago, and the place where i bought it from had a cucumber in the tank which they all seemed to be munching away on.

i got mine home, and ive tried giving it various veggies, algae wafers and it doesnt seem to be eating any of it, however i did catch it having a quick nible on an algae wafer one evening

should i be concerned, as its lived for around 3 months so far without me really feeding it anything and its growing nicely and seems ok, and it seems happy enough on my bogwood all the time :)

thanks in advance
You've had it three months and its still alive so its obviously finding food. Could it be simply getting enough from around the tank and any leftover foods? You may find as it grows and gets a little more lazy it will eat other foods you put in more readily. I wouldn't be concerned about it at all.
well thats why i'm not too concerned at the moment, but obviously i dont know if its starving but surviving or whether its got plenty of food leftover in the tank!

at the moment i'm feeding hikari micro pellets designed for cardinals, these stay on the surface untill the fish go for them then they sink quite slowly to the bottom and fall on ornaments and plants etc,

my corydoras eat the bits that fall into the gravel, and im also feeding algae wafers which my corydoras love, but ive only seen my plec eating the once for the whole of about 2 seconds

i'm just worried my plec isnt getting enough, or maybe its gettin plenty :-S
When he/she is on the front glass or even any part of the glass where you can see the underneath, just check to see if it has any signs of a sunken belly. If not and he looks nice and healthy he will be getting enough.
No sunken belly, everything seems ok as in no red marks or anything that shudnt be there, he/she seems happy on my bog wood most the time(very rarely on the glass) and seems happy sitting on the same particular leaf most the time too...

it was just concerning me that it doesnt actually seem to be feeding, but of course it must be as its still alive after 3 months,but its in my head is it actually barely surving, or is it thriving and loads of leftovers!!

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