I'm not too concerned at the moment, but i bought a little baby bristlenose plec about 3 months ago, and the place where i bought it from had a cucumber in the tank which they all seemed to be munching away on.
i got mine home, and ive tried giving it various veggies, algae wafers and it doesnt seem to be eating any of it, however i did catch it having a quick nible on an algae wafer one evening
should i be concerned, as its lived for around 3 months so far without me really feeding it anything and its growing nicely and seems ok, and it seems happy enough on my bogwood all the time
thanks in advance
i got mine home, and ive tried giving it various veggies, algae wafers and it doesnt seem to be eating any of it, however i did catch it having a quick nible on an algae wafer one evening
should i be concerned, as its lived for around 3 months so far without me really feeding it anything and its growing nicely and seems ok, and it seems happy enough on my bogwood all the time
thanks in advance