Bristlenose Plec?

Le Sorcier

Fish Crazy
Oct 8, 2007
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I bought 2 Bristlenose Plecs about 2 months ago and both appear to be doing fine.

However one of them has grown to around twice his original size whereas the other has hardly grown at all?

Any ideas?

What size tank is it? I am not at all a pleco expert, but if it is a smaller size tank, one may have become the dominant pleco and may be bullying and stressing out the other one.
Some just seem to grow a lot faster than others. They also go through growth spurts. I have 2 lots of fry at present with 4 distinct sizes of fish amongst them. I have found the slower growers can tend to max out at a smaller size (which I prefer) but I don't know if it will always be the case. Females also tend to grow a little slower and remain slightly smaller... generally. However its not a hard and fast rule. My biggest BN is a female. She has HUGE spawns as well...

The tank is 180l so they have plenty of room. They were about 1 inch nose to tail to begin with and I'd say one has grown to 2 inches and the other hardly at all?
Hmmm, another idea. :rolleyes: Do you drop all of their food in one place or in two different places? If it is only in one space, one may be hogging all of the food.

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