Bristlenose Plec


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2005
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About a week ago i got an about 4inch bristlenose Plec for my 55gal, with cories and neons for right now.

He has done an amazing job cleaning up my tank! i mainly got him cause of algea probs from live plants.

He is very healthy and doing great but i just wanna check on one thing...

When i get really close up in his face, or make really qucik movements around the tank, or when cleaning he kinda turns "whitish" just kinda whitish dots. It lasts a few seconds to a few minutes and its gone, all the while he is still acting perfectly normal. He kinda pauses and sits for a bit, but then hes back to work.

Just wondering if this is normal. Like a "defence mechanism" "Im scared color" or whatever.

Probably a scared and stressed color. Most fish get paler when stressed or scared and too much of it can be detrimental. Just imagine someone scaring the hell out of you at random all through your life. :p
Mine seems to change colour slightly depending on where she is in the tank. Bogwood = darker, slate = lighter, out and about on the gravel / glass normal.
Yep that's normal - sudden lights on - movements or fright.
ok kool. Thanx!

another quick question...

How long does it take for these guys to get full grown? Or how long does it take for his "bristles" to get bigger. Right now hes about 4 inches long and his "bristles" are only little nubs.

Any input is great!

Could be a female then - they don't really grow bristles (as such) but only ever have little stubs.
Here's a pic of my female adult (that's now been rehomed)

Yup, thats just how mine is too.

I think ill go try and get a male too...

Ive heard thye breed quite easily?

Thanx all!


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