Fish Gatherer
Hi all 
Well, as I seem to be unable to find any hong kong/chinese hill stream loaches in my area, I've decided to look elsewhere for my 'bottom' dweller.
I've kept bristlenoses before, and have one in one of my tropical tanks, but have read some vague accounts of them being able to live well in unheated aquaria.
Now I have a recently setup aquarium with floating plant cover, and white cloud mountain minnows (with decent water flow), I'm trying to avoid the 'planted' tank route again for a while, but will add some java fern and/or java moss.
The tank gets down to aroun 17'C at night and up to 20 in the day time (during summer this will change, but I hope this will trigger spawning in the white clouds).
So, do any of you have experience of keeping britlenoses healthily and happily in cooler wateR?
Many thanks,
Well, as I seem to be unable to find any hong kong/chinese hill stream loaches in my area, I've decided to look elsewhere for my 'bottom' dweller.
I've kept bristlenoses before, and have one in one of my tropical tanks, but have read some vague accounts of them being able to live well in unheated aquaria.
Now I have a recently setup aquarium with floating plant cover, and white cloud mountain minnows (with decent water flow), I'm trying to avoid the 'planted' tank route again for a while, but will add some java fern and/or java moss.
The tank gets down to aroun 17'C at night and up to 20 in the day time (during summer this will change, but I hope this will trigger spawning in the white clouds).
So, do any of you have experience of keeping britlenoses healthily and happily in cooler wateR?
Many thanks,