Fish Fanatic
Hello everyone. I recently got a "bushy nose plec" (which they say is the same as a bristlenose) from liveaquaria and he has what I believe must be a case of the ick (white, sugar like dots all over his body). I notice however that his tail fin also has a disinct band of white at the edge. Question 1: Is this a variation of the ick or of his natural coloring? I have been unable to capture him in one place long enough to get a pic.
This is my first pleco, so Question Two is: Do they have special needs in regard to ick? Ie, I usually use a course of salt, heat, and coppersafe with my other fish. Can I do that with my pleco?
This is my first pleco, so Question Two is: Do they have special needs in regard to ick? Ie, I usually use a course of salt, heat, and coppersafe with my other fish. Can I do that with my pleco?