Fish Crazy
Hi all,
I've recently changed my 55g into an Amazon themed bio-tope. Since removing my Malawi Mbuna and Synodontis cat and replacing them with angels, Bolivian rams and tetra I've found my Bristlenoses to be spawning more successfully.
I originally found 14 free swimming fry on the day when I removed the Mbuna and put them in a grow out tank. Last night I came home to find a mass (60+) of free swimming fry on the glass of my aquarium, all Albino
My question is; which fish from my tank are likely to eat the fry if I leave them in there? I assume Angels - what about the rams?
Also, if I need to remove them to save as many as possible, what is the easiest way?
I've recently changed my 55g into an Amazon themed bio-tope. Since removing my Malawi Mbuna and Synodontis cat and replacing them with angels, Bolivian rams and tetra I've found my Bristlenoses to be spawning more successfully.
I originally found 14 free swimming fry on the day when I removed the Mbuna and put them in a grow out tank. Last night I came home to find a mass (60+) of free swimming fry on the glass of my aquarium, all Albino
My question is; which fish from my tank are likely to eat the fry if I leave them in there? I assume Angels - what about the rams?
Also, if I need to remove them to save as many as possible, what is the easiest way?