Bristlenose Fry!


Fish Crazy
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, UK
Hi all,

I've recently changed my 55g into an Amazon themed bio-tope. Since removing my Malawi Mbuna and Synodontis cat and replacing them with angels, Bolivian rams and tetra I've found my Bristlenoses to be spawning more successfully.

I originally found 14 free swimming fry on the day when I removed the Mbuna and put them in a grow out tank. Last night I came home to find a mass (60+) of free swimming fry on the glass of my aquarium, all Albino :good:

My question is; which fish from my tank are likely to eat the fry if I leave them in there? I assume Angels - what about the rams?

Also, if I need to remove them to save as many as possible, what is the easiest way?

Any of the other fish will eat them. If you want to save some and they are still small enough syphon them out.
Hi all,

I've recently changed my 55g into an Amazon themed bio-tope. Since removing my Malawi Mbuna and Synodontis cat and replacing them with angels, Bolivian rams and tetra I've found my Bristlenoses to be spawning more successfully.

I originally found 14 free swimming fry on the day when I removed the Mbuna and put them in a grow out tank. Last night I came home to find a mass (60+) of free swimming fry on the glass of my aquarium, all Albino :good:

My question is; which fish from my tank are likely to eat the fry if I leave them in there? I assume Angels - what about the rams?

Also, if I need to remove them to save as many as possible, what is the easiest way?


Angels would most likely eat them, after they are a week old they would be too big for most Tetras, after about two - three weeks they will be too big for the Rams although i dont think the Rams would take them. (This all depends on the size of the fish, if the Rams and Angels are small then they will leave them alone. Can they fit into their mouth?)
Thanks for the replies so far :)

The angels and rams are all sub-adult, the rams around 1" or so and just beginning to show adult colouring, and the angels about 5" including finnage.

I have planted the tank fairly heavily with java fern/moss and some stem plants so hopefully it'll provide adequate cover - I just want to maximise the success getting the fry beyond the stage where they are picked off by predators.

I had heard that bristlenose fry could not be eaten due to their spines and defensive hooks near their gills?
When they're small the defences are basically too little too late. I know people who have BN's and they breed all the time and the angels pick off every one each time. As they get a little older they smarten up and learn to get away from danger. If there are a lot of plants, the chances of survival increase dramatically.
I had my blue acaras spawn and even with the protection of mo
they all get eatten in my tank unless I get them out. Fry are so small almost any fish will eat them rams tetras any thing. Untill they are large enough to not fit is the mouth they are not safe. Move them if you want them to live. If your Leave them you might get 1 or 2 that will make it.

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