Bristlenose fry in a juwel Rekord 60 tank


Mar 31, 2004
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Wiltshire, UK
I got 2 baby BN now from my LFS (which were babies from the two adults I got a few weeks back), so as to have some interest and algae control in my livebearer fry tank. 1 of them climbed out onto the worktop and died :rip: and the other got into the filter so many times that it drove me mad so my other half made a cover for the filter. The next morning he was back in the filter. :crazy: He is now in my larger tank and I defy him to get out of there.

Does anyone else have any of these problems with this? I bought the tank to grow on BN babies when I get some (cos I will, I will, i will, I will, I will). :)

I keep it at 24-25°C - is this too cold and they are seeking out the filter?????
lol to many times my fry go in the filter! i agree its annoying.
Temp is fine, i think they might just want a dark little hiding place, also their would be alot of food in there (crap) for them :p
One of mine was notorious for doing this. Its funny, they dont look like they have much fin power yet they can swim upstream in the most turbulent part of the tank. go figure :dunno:


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