Bristlenose Eggs


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2008
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Today I noticed one of my Bristlenose has laid eggs and to be honest I'm a little lost on what to do. They are currently on the rear glass tucked into a corner but in plain view and they are being guarded by one of the Plecs.

Does anyone fancy guiding me as I would like to try to raise them if possible?

Have you got another tank you can move them to?
No I don't I'm afraid. The tank is 200L community. The only fish I have that might be a problem are Honey Gourami and Green Tiger Barbs. What would you suggest? Thanks for your help.
The tiger barbs will make short work of BN fry, once they start moving around the tank.

I'm afraid setting up a separate tank is the only way you'll raise them, although one or two might make it in your big tank.

At least you know you have a breeding pair; they'll spawn again.
Ok I'll see if my better half will stretch to a second tank. I appreciate your advice.
Get them a cave. It should be a tight fit. Fry are mostly lunch in a community tank. You can raise smaller size spawns from younger fish in a 10 gal tank to about one inch before you need to rehome them. At maturity they can produce in the range of 100 eggs in a spawn.

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