Bristlenose Eggs Have Hatched, But All Albino?


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Apr 10, 2012
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Is it possible for a pair of common browns to have only albino, my eggs have hatched and they all seemed to be albinos, there is about 70 altogether and no sign of 1 brown.
they are very light coloured when first hatched r u sure? red eyes?

Yeah ive had hundreds of bristlenose fry in the past, but never had all albino off 2 browns, had mixutres... they are definiltey albino but got black eyes, they aint even slightly brown they are very white.
I've never had albino fry from any of my breedings,- even with an albino mum! This is very interesting I must say!
Just out of interest, are any of the parents a lighter colour than the usual?
Nope they are all dark brown not even slitghtly light, im baffled.
How old are the fry? Brown BN fry won't show any color until they've absorbed the yolk sac and finished developing. If the eyes have color they aren't albino's, but it's possible you have some odd color morph.
If the parents were the offspring of a crossing with a red (leucistic) BN you may have a spawn of red fry (or calico), the same way you can get albino fry from 2 browns.
The sacks are fully gone now, every single one are still pure white, not even a slight hint of any colour, its really wierd lol
Yeah, pics would be cool, would love to see them , albino should have pink or red eyes ?
I will get some pics asap, with them being so small my phone cam dont photo them well enough..
possibally Leucistic = lacking or mostly lacking chromatophores. Not a true albino (ie: colored eyes).

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