Bristlenose Catfish troubles


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
NSW - Sydney Australia
I have always liked brislenose catfish but they never live long enough to get to 2 inches. I have had 2 brislenose catfish both 3 cm. The first one died. I have done more research and bought a second bristlenose and in about 4 weeks, it was also gone. My other fish's have stayed healthy, why is it just the little brislenose catfish. Any help would be appreciated.
It would help knowing your tank size, water temp, and results of any water tests. If all these are normal, it may be what you are feeding them.


What other fish do you keep them with. Is it possible that they may be getting picked on or the other fish are chasing them away from food.

Also are you providing them with wood, or somewhere to hide and giving them vegtables such as cucumber to eat.

The pair I have laid eggs after 3 weeks in my tank and a couple of babies are still around (well probably loads but the tank is stuffed with plants and mopani wood so they hide a lot). The adults can be seen most of the time (the male is fanning another set of eggs at the minute) and rarely hide especially when cucumber is in the tank.

Hope you find out whats causing the problems soon.

I keep 6 tiger barbs, 2 pearl gouramis, 1 BGK and an angel fish all, when i observe, did well with my bristlenose. I keep a peice of plant bogwood for it to hide and rasp on but i never seen the bristlenose touch it while in my tank.

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